The psychological attachments to the color #white, associated with #minimalistic and #nordic styles, represents purity and cleanliness. White in interior design, can help smaller spaces appear much longer than they truly are, and adds a fresh, airy feel effortlessly.
A blank stark white interior with a white color palette and decor pieces is not as easy to pull off as you might think. Especially when you throw minimalism into the mix. To soften the starkness of an all white minimalist interior, try exploring several soft shades of white, such as Ivory, Snowfall and Alabaster to name a few. You can also dim all the white starkness by adding different aesthetics and contrasting accents.
Another tip, add contrasting shades of white, like opting for a warmer shade of white in a specific area, like your livingroom for instance. This will also definitely help to create a warm and cozy feel in that space as well. Adding warm lighting fixtures to your white on white homespace, will add a stunning central warmth wherever they're placed, and will automatically become focal points. Now remember, a gallery white interior will be screaming for some touches of art, so feel free to play around with some.
The psychological attachments to the color #black, are associated with evil, mourning and death. However, this color is associated with wisdom and dominance and strength. Black in interior design, should be used in small amounts, as either a contrasting or contemporary addition. This beautiful neutral tone, adds so much depth and timeless elegance to a homespace.
Black is also another neutral color, that is perfect for the right balance of drama and simplicity in modern minimalist interior design. In order to achieve a chicque look in your black minimalist interiors, stick to one color scheme. Adding color is not a good idea in an all black interior, as it will interfere with your aesthetics in a visually displeasing way.
Keep your furnishings black as well. However, if you must have some variations in color, go for neutral tones like grey or wooden pieces that will contrast perfectly with a black color scheme. To contrast all the neutral tones, add green leafy plants to add some natural and visually acceptable pops of color in your all black interiors. Keep in mind that black minimalist interiors are associated with sleek sophistication, thus you'll need to add elements that will help to create this aesthetic.
Try to incorporate textures throughout that will also add some beauty and luxury to your black minimalist space. To add to the classiness of your black interior, go for polished concrete flooring or even marble tiles. Now, the beauty about these options is that they can be either grey or even white.